Tuesday, December 06, 2005


The poster (for printing, copying and spreading the news about the daily noon d-i-y prayer vigil for the Iraqi detainees) has been produced in *PDF format by Pax Christi. The new petition, promoted by Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities together is here. The background to it is indicated on Ekklesia.

Also important to note: guidance for those making spublic statements in support of the Christian Peacemaker Team detainees, which are very much encouraged at the moment.

This to the kidnappers from Lorcan Otway, a member of the committee of Ministry and Counsel for the New York Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (also known as Quakers): "I ask you to stay your hand because you can. When you stand before your God, next to the American who wore an army uniform, next to the one who drove the tractor that killed Rachael Corrie, and our God asks each of you, why have you taken the lives of innocents, what difference will there be in your answer? When, some day, and I pray after a long life of loving works, Tom Fox [one of those abducted] stands before our God and is asked why he placed his life in your hands, I think you know his answer. Because hatred is blind and love is unconditional. "Whoever has saved a life, it will be as if he has saved the life of all [hu]mankind" (Quran 5.32)

Comment on this post: FaithInSociety

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