Monday, January 09, 2006

[20.45 GMT] Terror photos media warning (ic Liverpool, UK) - says research shows that the use of hostage photos in the media increases overall willingness to pay ransoms. Christian Peacemaker Teams is critical of them for a different reason: namely that it de-humanises both captives and captors, reinforcing a violent cycle whereby we are prepared to treat each other as objects rather than persons. Australian Muslim community joins 'Human Shield' in appeal for CPT four (, New Zealand); Hebron: Israeli Military Arrests Christian Peacemaker Teams member (BBSNews, NC); Families plead for release of hostages (Gulf Times, Qatar).
Photo: David Coffey (right), general secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and Graham Sparkes, head of BUGB's Faith and Unity Department, meet with Pat Kember, Norman's wife.

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