Thursday, February 16, 2006

[17.30 GMT] From Reuters (via the FreeTheCaptivesNow site): Ruined Iraqi city promotes peace with olive trees. Yesterday ReligionNews raised the issue of the lack of mainstream press interest in CPT, its philosophy and provenance. This is true, and its not as if the research is hard -- as in many issues involving religion, where (sadly) prejudice and loudmouthing on all sides seems to command more attention than actual information and reflection. So, for the record: About CPT. Christian Peacemaker Teams is a programme of Brethren, Quaker and Mennonite Churches (USA and Canada). The Baptist Peace Fellowship, Every Church a Peace Church, On Earth Peace and The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship are also sponsors of CPT. People from other bodies in the ecumenical Christian community are particpants in the 40 member full time Christian Peacemaker Corps and the part time 125 member Reserve Corps. See also the book Getting in the Way:Stories from Christian Peacemaker Teams. In the UK you can order it (along with other Herald Press titles) from Metanoia Book Service.

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