Monday, November 17, 2008


I prefaced my remarks in this sermon at St Stephen's, Exeter (Coming under liberating judgement) yesterday with the observation that, in addition to not working with animals and children, you shouldn't give 'texts of terror' to visiting preachers, lest they try a "hit and run" sermon. I don't think that's what this is, and I'm not a visitor - though I'm much less regular at the Central Parish of Exeter than I would like, due in large measure to the strange kind of geographical limbo created by existing between Devon, Birmingham, London and various other places... most notably Manchester, for the World Christian Student Federation Europe region theology conference on faith and pluralism, this week. [Icon of the Last Judgement provided by ΕΚΔΟΣΗ και ΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ , ΓΑΛΑΚΤΙΩΝΟΣ ΓΚΑΜΙΛΗ ΤΗΛ. 4971 882, ΕΚΤΥΠΟΣΗ Μ. ΤΟΥΜΠΗΣ Α.Ε.]


Anonymous said...


Wish I had been there for the Sermon - Ched Myers has some similar comments to Walter Wink.

The habit of preaching from the New Testament without regard to the social context, theological assumptions and the cultural meanings that shape Jesus teaching was on rampant display in the sermon I on Matthew 25: 14-30 Sunday morning The parable was treated without regard for context and became an exhortation not to be afraid, directed at some confirmation candidates - in contrast to the fearful behaviour of the third servant in the story.

Jesus did not get executed by the Roman empire because he went around telling stories encouraging us not to be afraid. Tellers of stories that are implicitly critical of exploitative economic practices and ironically endorse the whistleblower who refuses to go along with the game are likely to attract unfavourable attention to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick question. Where do you get the idea of an ill-gotten, quick buck from when verse 19 talks specifically about the master returning after ' a long time'?
('to build their asset base that quickly would be through fraud, money-lending at exorbitant rates, or sidebar expropriation through tax collecting.')

Simon Barrow said...

'A long time' probably meant months, but that's a short time in terms of the pace of First Century economic life for small investors! I agree it could be worded better. Some textual variants say "after a certain time" and "after a time".