Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Last week I attended the reception for around 120 people at Number 10 Downing Street at which Prime Minister Gordon Brown launched a new Labour consultation and dialogue with faith communities, which raises many interesting questions about religion and public policy. There was also a celebration of some award-winning Faithworks projects. My own press comment on behalf of Ekklesia is summarised here.


ChrisC said...

'The Christian Gospel is not primarily about patching up victims but ending victimisation.' I tend to agree with the thrust of this (outcomes are important again) but not all recipients of social provision, either from the state or elsewhere, are best chracterised as 'victims'. 'Victims' of what?

Simon Barrow said...

I wasn't saying that all recipients of social provision are victims, but that the Gospel is about transformation not amelioration (in a variety of ways). I do think that the church is sometimes in danger of patronising those it seeks to serve, perpetuating dependence and the denial of dignity.

ChrisC said...

I'd suggest they are far less guilty of this than the state is, which is why I share you're concerns about the church recieving money from the state for social provision. It may well be better at it but it is better at it because it can transform as a conduit of God's grace. But then it is this potential to transform that scares the Humanist lobby.