Tuesday, June 21, 2005


When I do get a chance to blogscroll (invariably when I have some kind of block on what I'm supposed to be writing), one of the places I like to turn is Dan Walters' Faithblog, which he modestly calls "confused ramblings about God, the church, mission and social justice in the post-Christendom world". Suffice to say that his confusion outstrips the clarity of many...

I see from his profile that Dan is co-author of the Sanctus 1 site too. What an interesting venture that looks. Must get up there sometime. 26 June 2005 looks a good opportunity (Covenant: An exploration into exclusion and embrace, Sacred Trinity, Salford), though I will by that time be preparing to go to Ireland for the British and Irish Association forMission Studies conference on The Next Christendom. (I am hoping that there won't be one, but that's another story.)

Incidentally, the Sanctus 1 event is presumably based around Miroslav Volf's important book of that title - subtitled A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness and Reconciliation. You can get it through Ekklesia.

Oh yes, I also came across hopeful amphibian recently: "grace, postmodernity and the kingdom of God", no less. More good stimulus.

Comment on this post: FaithInSociety

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